Mugu Chapel is a ministry of the Naval Base Ventura County (NBVC) Chaplains.  Please note that we do not represent the U.S. Government, or the Department of Defense (DOD), nor do we endorse or share their beliefs. Our organization operates independently, and our views and opinions are our own while we are part of NBVC Command Religious Program.

Our next Worship service is Sunday 10/27/2024, 0930.    


  We are a community of Believers at Point Mugu of Naval Base Ventura County (NBVC)  with a focus on worship, fellowship and studying God's Word.
Mugu Chapel is under the command of NBVC Religious Ministry Team 
(Chaplain’s Office)

Seabee Chapel (bldg. 1433), Port Hueneme
Office hours
    Mon-Thu 8:30am-3:30pm;
    Fri 0830-1200Office phone  805-982-4358
After hours (duty chaplain) (805)207-3409


Located at 121 N Mugu Rd (a block south of Gate 2) at the Chapel of Faith complex, which consists of the main Chapel building, with seating for 275, a Fellowship Hall with full kitchen, and instructional classrooms.  In the middle of the quad is the Pt Mugu Memorial Garden.

Worship Services 

Join us the 2nd & 4th Sunday of every month for contemporary, non-denominational worship services.  

Small Group Fellowships

Get plugged in and grow in one of the small group study/fellowships taking place throughout the week.  


The Bible instructs us to pray for one another.  Let us know how we can pray for you.  

Chapel Events 

Complete Chapel schedule of events.

Chaplain Resources

Connect up with NBVC Chaplains.
 (805) 207-3409


Are you interested in serving as a volunteer?  Many ministry opportunities are available. 

The Power of The Gospel to Transform.

The Bible uses the term Gospel over 100 times, and the literal translation from the original Greek text is "Good News".  What Good News?  We serve a living GOD that loves us so much He sent His only son, Jesus, to redeem us to Himself.   How do I realize that promise in my own life?

(A) Admit you are a sinner
(B) Believe in Jesus as your personal savior
(C) Confess Jesus is LORD of your life

Come As You Are

The Church is not a building!  It's a body of Believers who come together to worship, pray, rejoice, console and do life together.  Your past does not have to dictate your future.  Join us for corporate worship, children's ministry, food and games every 2nd & 4th Sunday, 0930.


If you want to purchase a Mugu Chapel polo shirt, we have a vendor that you can order from directly.  There are 2 materials available.  
Click below to get the direct link to each in the store:  
Tell Monique when you order you are with Mugu Chapel.  Her full company store is here.  

Follow us on social media.

Mugu Chapel
SeaBee Chapel